I fully understand and agree to all these conditions. Failure to meet the above requirements could mean dismissal from the Roofers & Waterproofers Local No. 33 Apprentices Program.
To all employers by whom I am or may become employed that parties to or are otherwise bound by any collective bargaining agreement with Roofers Local Union No. 33, United Union No. 33, United Union of Roofers, Waterproofers, & Allied Workers, AFL~CIO.
I hereby authorize my employer to deduct $1.75 from my wages for each hour worked, or a different amount hereafter duly established by the Roofers Local Union No. 33 (“Union”), as its regular working dues assessment. I agree that my employer shall deduct the work assessment, RU#33 ($ .30) and PAC fund ($ .02) from my wages on each regularly scheduled pay day and remit to the Union the deducted work assessment together with a form designated by the Union concerning my work. I understand that the work assessment and an accounting of the hours worked shall be remitted each month to Roofers Local Union No. 33.
This authorization shall be effective immediately and shall be irrevocable for a period of one year from the execution of this authorization or until the termination of the applicable collective bargaining agreement, whichever occurs sooner. This authorization shall continue in full force and effect for yearly periods after the initial one-year period and each subsequent yearly period similarly shall be irrevocable unless revoked within 15 days immediately preceding either the commencement of the new yearly period or the termination of the applicable collective bargaining agreement, whichever occurs sooner. Any revocation of this authorization must be in writing, bear the date and my signature, and be delivered within the 15 day period specified above to the Union and to the Employer with whom I am employed at the time.
I hereby authorize the Roofers Local Union No. 33 to act as my exclusive collective bargaining agent for the purpose of negotiating my wages, hours and working conditions with my current employer, as well as with all other employers for whom I become employed after this date, for work to be performed on job sites within the territorial jurisdiction of Roofers Local Union No. 33. All previous authorizations made by me are hereby revoked.
This authorization may be disclosed to my employer or to a third person in order to verify union majority status under the National Labor Relations Act for the purposes of obtaining recognition from my current or future employer without an election, or to obtain an NLRB certification election.
This authorization shall remain in full force and effect until canceled by written notice to Roofers Local Union No. 33.